2810 Oakwood Blvd., Melvindale, MI 48122
Telephone: 313-928-3833
Fax: 313-928-3848

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Home Service Corp.

Interesting Events

Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical History & Events

January 10th - Cut Your Energy Cost Day

Save on Service and Replacement of energy guzzles today and everyday!

Jamuary 27th - Thomas Crapper Day & National Chocolate Cake Day

Are you in need of a plumbing repair or update? We can help.

February 11th - Thomas Edison's Birthday

Whether you need energy saving lighting, a new service or just a minor repair, we can help.

March 11th - World Plumbing Day

Need a plumbing update? Click above for more info. We are fortunate in the United States to have high stadards for health and environment of our citizens.World Plumbing Day Fact Sheets

March 22nd - World Water Day

Clean fresh water both hot and cold is something all of us need. If you water is not hot enough, or it has little pressure or you have water leaks, click above for more info..Learn about World Water Day

April 25th - Hug Your Plumber Day

Plumbers protect the Health of the Nation.

July 17th - Willis Carrier's Birthday

Is your air conditioning in need of replacement or repair? Click above for more info. Willis Carrier is recognized as the inventor of air conditioning.More About Willis Carrier and the inventing of air conditioning

August 27th - National Petroleum Day

Most of our homes in the Metro Detroit area are heater with Natural Gas, a petroleum product.

November 19th - World Toilet Day

Over 99% of homes in American have indoor plumbing. About 40% of the world's population does not have improved indoor plumbing.